And here:
Well one day I happened upon Javy's blog, Scarlet Empress, and found that she had discovered an awesome way to organize accessories. Longstem makes a wall/door mountable jewelry and accessory organizer that holds hundreds of your favorite pieces without taking up drawer or counter space! After reading about how pleased Javy was with her purchase, I decided to buy the same product.
Most jewelry organizers are stand alones that offer a way to organizer either only earrings (taking up counter/table space), or the tall jewelry boxes will organize rings/bracelets/necklaces in little drawers (taking up floor space). Those items typically sell for $40 to $200. The item I purchased was $64 with shipping. It took less than a week to arrive and was incredibly easy to assemble. The pieces just snap together!
After putting my new purchase together and hanging it on the door, I had to dig through my draw of accesories and find everything in order to get it on my door mounted organizer. It took me awhile, but eventually I got everything out and onto the organizer. I LOVE IT!
The only complaint I have is that the organizer with all the accessories on it makes quite a racket when opening and shutting the door. The necklaces swing against the door when moved, assuring that anyone who might have been asleep when you opened/closed the door will no longer be sleeping by the time you finish. Also, the brackets that go on top of/over the door prevent the door from being closed without using a little more force than what one might typically need to shut a regular bedroom door. I may solve these issues by moving the organizer to the closet door, or clearing off some wall space and attaching it to the wall with the included wall mounts.
All in all, I'd say this was worth the money. I love having extra drawer space and the ability to find all my accessories with just one glance! Again, the organizer is from Longstem Products and can be found on here on eBay.
Until next time lovers,